Are you interested in joining Ride4Life as a member or associate member? If so, you can download the Application for Membership from the links below.

Why Be A Member?

Members fees support the administration of Ride4Life Inc. Our admin expenses include web hosting, accounting software, fees and charges related to administration and a number of other incidental expenses. We take no money for these expenses from ride registration fees and rely on membership and sponsorship to administer the organisation.

Being a full member will provide you with the opportunity to have a real say in the running of the organisation. You will have a voice in what goes on and how it happens. You can stand for committee positions at our Annual General Meeting.  Associate members will generally be those who don't want to vote but wish to support the organisation. Of course, donations for admin purposes are always welcome as well.  You can also contribute by donating in kind if you have special skills the organisation can use.

Membership Fees

Membership fees have been set at $25.  At this stage we can't accept any money because we are in the process of opening our accounts. You can still submit your application however and we will invoice you when accounts are open. We also have acquired Membership Software for this web site and will add you to the list as soon as things are a bit more sorted.

Forward Applications

Upon completion, you can send your application to and we will get back to you as soon as we can. After fees have been determined you can still decide if you wish to proceed or not. No need to send any money now, just your membership applicaton will be regarded as an expression of interest. Come and join us. Make a Difference!


Membership Application - MS Word Version

Membership Application - PDF Version

